Haiz...sOooOo tired tis few daes. My whole week is packed... too tired to elaborate. So lets just list some things.25/12 & 26/12i guess i fergotten where i headed to....27/12went to VIVOCITY with my mum, aunt & sis. shop at around 12pmwatched 黄金甲 The Curse of the Golden Flower! Wow! A reeaally gOod show that is!! 4 1/2 outa 5 popcorns!! Shld see it!headed to Sushi Tei & Haagen Daz fer dinner.spent abt $135 on food alone! gosh!retreat to home at 9pm(actually wanted to take the Sentosa Express hehees...wanted to have a feel of riding inside it lols...but haiz the person said it only start operating on the 31st of Dec..tsk tsk. But anyways we went to the rooftop sky park to enjoy the great picturesque..ahhh refreshin...)28/12went to Marina Sq with my famiy & shop shop shop...bought a 32" LCD TV at a price of $1 399. Whoosh! Cool!anyways it's time to change to a new set of TV..our current set of TV is condemned..29/12going to sch tml..haiz sianz..sOooOo tired liao still needa go out & it's damn freaking early in the morning...needa reach at 8 am..wth 30/12going out again..yet to have plans for tis dae...31/12LCD TV delivery man comin over to our hse to deliver the new TV at around 4-6pm. then headed off to my aunt's place to BBQ...Tha's enough...time to retire to bed...ZzzZzzzzz
Hmm...i'm just cant be bothered to update my blog this daes~~!!Rainy daes dampen my mood & thinking of nothing but sleep sleep sleep =X , & it too spoilt my shoppin mood! Urghs!So i shall start with 12th Dec 2006 ;)Out with my girlies to TOWN to window shop, then headed down to Partyworld at Orchard, inside Crown Prince Hotel for some k-ing session ;D
This is me! PARTYWORLD, here we comee ;)!~
These are all my DARLING BABES !
At TAKASHIMAYA. Whoosh! The Christmas tree is damn tall can! Approx. 35m?! We cam-whoring at this spot..having the whole place all to ourselves just for cam-whoring..took abou' 13 pics. LOLx :P
Our last spot, or perhaps pic for the dae ;)
Out to TOWN to have another shopping spree~~! Bought 3 tops, a 3/4 jeans, a skirt.. Fortunately it's just a slight drizzle..didnt spoil my shopping mood.. =)
Merry Christmas to all ~~!!
金桢勋:生日 1月20日火红韩剧《宫》里深情款款的律王子金桢勋, 以男子美声团体“UN”成员之一出道。脱离二人组合后,他接拍的第一部片子就是让他红遍亚洲的《宫》。这名超人气偶像日前到台湾出席“亚太影展”时,更让粉丝们尖叫频频。凭一时冲动行事金桢勋生于1月20日,属魔羯座。1月20日出生的人,喜欢凭着一时的冲动行事,因此他的人生也显得激烈无比。他会突然下决定,然后就照着这个决定采取行动。这种作风几乎已经成为他的个性特征。在生活上,他也是即兴式的。事前比较不做任何谨慎的规划,也因为如此,反而能够接受声明中发生的任何事情。据说,这名温文儒雅的帅哥有高达140的智商,堪称韩国最有智慧的影星。本来修读热门的医学系,后来发现自己比较喜欢演艺圈工作,自动退学。了解自己的兴趣后,更自动到韩国中央大学话剧电影系插班。这就是魔羯座特别的地方,总是能够在工作上理出一点秩序。有过人幽默感这天出生的人活力充沛,有着过人的幽默感。即使在最艰难的状况下,也能够运用一些小机智,让事情变得不那么严重。事实上,这种苦中作乐的态度,使他能够维持对事物的深度敏感。他更是非常人性化,因此往往会深得家人和朋友的喜爱。尽管有时候他也会发发脾气,或是说话不留情面,但通常很快就会获得原谅。金桢勋曾经表示过,剧中的律王子跟他有几分相似的地方。尤其是既有温柔善良的一面,也有冷漠的一面。虽然看似温文儒雅,但他还是会在百忙中抽空玩乐。就象之前到台湾做宣传的时候,他甚至主动要求到夜市边吃边玩。要求对方绝对忠诚因为他多半都没有恶意,而且不必作任何动作就可以博得异性的好感。他那种世俗的魅力让他在爱情上,常常有所收获。这天出生的人会要求对方绝对忠诚,而且相信对他稍微的花心,应该包容。因为他并不是不想遵守一对一的关系,而是太受欢迎了!除了这点之外,他倒是很重视自己的伴侣,而且只会用知性的态度选择交往的对象。魔羯座的人需要的是耐心与奉献精神。所以在一份感情刚刚开始的时候,他们显得非常容易害羞,而且显得有些笨拙。随着时间的推进,他们慢慢接纳这份感情之后,对这份感情认同感增强后,表现就会好得多。虽然算是慢热性的,但相信女生都不会介意等待温柔深情的律王子吧?何况,人们常说,“魔羯座是最佳的爱人!”啊!爱死他咯! ^^
Allow me to introduce the latest addition to this blog, my newly adopted virtual pet, Yumi! *applause*Isn't she cute? U can see her by clicking on the word ( <3) at the top to navigate to my home page or profile.
(first, you click on her to play, then point your mouse in any direction within Yumi's box to get her attention, or click on the 'more' tab at the lower right corner to play with her ball thread or feed her milk...sOoo kawaii ne! )
KJH news! 万众期待!因演出韩剧《宫-野蛮王妃》走红的“律王子”金政勋,在韩国原以歌手形式出道。他2000年从选秀活动中脱颖而出,与崔正元共组偶像团体UN(United N-Generation),原本金政勋打算在UN解散后出国留学,演出《宫》让他成功地从歌手的身份转变为演员。现在金政勋准备效法BoA和Rain,选择以日本为起点发行个人专辑,希望可以在亚洲各国引起更多的注意。他的首张个人专辑“5 Stella Lights”已于10月底在日本发行,为了新专辑的宣传,他在东京,大阪,福冈等地举办迷你演唱会,并计划从12月开始,为期两个月,在日本东京,大阪,札幌等十多个地方,展开日本全国巡回演唱会。另外,《宫》续集闹双包,传出金政勋和尹恩惠等原班人马将接演正版续集,让粉丝们乐透了。《宫》原制作公司Eight Peaks指控开拍《宫S》的Group Eight公司盗用《宫》的使用权,并宣布开拍续集,由金政勋和尹恩惠等原班人马主演,预定明年底或2008年初播,消息传出后,所有勋迷们都亢奋不已。